
I’m about to reveal the “sweet spot” for sleep that can help you maintain good mental and physical health.    

August 14, 2023

Once we reach middle age, we need to sleep a certain number of hours each night to maintain good health. And that number is 7. No more, no less.     Researchers at the UK’s University of Cambridge analyzed data from nearly half a million people aged 38 to 73. The result: 7 hours a night was…

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You know when there are those days you need a good cry and Hallmark movie!

August 10, 2023

You know when things just feel overwhelming and we feel like we can’t get through the day, because our emotions have taken over our bodies, like a little alien?! The things in our lives might feel uneasy, uncertain and overwhelming, this effect our relationships, kids, coworkers, and just life in general even more! I am…

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How important be hydrated is?

July 19, 2023

Why being dehydrated can shorten our life. New research by the National Institutes of Health has discovered that being dehydrated can make us age faster, raise our risk for chronic disease, and increase the likelihood we’ll die early!      So we now know that staying hydrated is proven to help reduce joint pain, maintain normal body…

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Here’s something to try if you’re fighting sugar cravings……

June 15, 2023

Put on something PINK! Whether it’s a shirt, sweater or even pink socks. According to the University of Oxford, our brain associates the color pink with sweetness – from cotton candy, to bumble gum, to pink frosting. And seeing the color gives an effect similar to consuming sugar. We feel sweeter! Pink increases our feel-good hormones, and also…

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Kim Jandro

Emotion & Body Code Practitioner